Short: Rexx VoiceMailBox incl. C Source for capi (ISDN Master 2) Author: Christian Weber & Frederic Steinfels (small parts) Uploader: fsteinfe iiic ethz ch (Frederic Steinfels) Type: comm/misc Version: 1.2 Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is a rexx voice mail box system for the ISDN Master 2 using the capi.device; it's alled am (AnsweringMachine). As a special gift the source Code is included!!! So everyone out there can add cool features! Unfortunately you need SAS C to use it as you have to write your MSN into the source code. If you don't have SAS C, try my am_eperimental and enter the correct parameters (try am_experimental ?). I have started working on a version that is getting the parameters via ReadArgs() but I haven't tested it. Unfortunately I don't have much time so I threw it into the archive. It's called am_experimental.c and am_experimental. There is an example file, limmathotline.amrx. Of course you have to change a lot but it should give you a clue how to write a rexx script for am. Chris told me that somewhere there is still a (crash?) bug but he does not know where and he has not time to fix it. Please help me finding and fixing it! Even if stated differently in the source code, it is public domain now but if you base your work on our sourcecode, we want: - Information about your work, what you want to do and what you achieved so that we can coordinate the work - 2 registered copies (one for Chris and one for me) of your product/work and your source code. We can give you a NDA if you want. Special announcement: Stay tuned for the source code of MUITel, a half-finished telephone software using MUI. We hope to find at least someone continuing our work... PS: I also included another program, it's called CallerID. It's a improved version of Display.c from the developer package. My email is: (prefered)