Short: New Dynamic DNS service client Author: Ong Lon Voon <> Uploader: animal casema net (Bert Vortman Type: comm/tcp Version: 1.1 Requires: Ixemul.library 47+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos Free Dynamic DNS, Mail (SMTP) & Web (HTTP) Forwarding Webworks Pte Ltd, Singapore, is pleased to announce free public use of its IP Registry servers utilising DDNS server software. Currently, Linux, HP/UX, Digital Unix, Solaris, OS/2, Amiga, Windows 95 and NT clients are provided for update of the public IP Registry database. Other platforms will be supported soon. The Amiga client is compiled by Bert Vortman <> For questions about the Amiga Port write to my E-mail address. Webworks has the following services available: DNS --- Normal DNS services are available. An added advantage is that account management can be done offsite by users, without the System Admin's intervention. DDNS ---- Machines using dynamic IPs from ISPs or thru DHCP can now get their own subdomains under the domain, or optionally, even under their own registered domains if the latter are delegated to us. Hosts and aliases can then be set up without restrictions. SMTP Forwarding --------------- All email addresses to each host in the subdomain can be forwarded to any other email address. This would allow unlimited accounts to be maintained. An optional feature allows different addresses to each host to be redirected to different email addresses. Mail Exchange Backup -------------------- Backup mailservers are available for those receiving their own email. You can have unlimited e-mail addresses on your own server! HTTP Forwarding --------------- HTTP requests to the hostname will be forwarded to the subscriber's account on his/her ISP. This allows a simple hostname to be given to others. An optional feature allows a user-specified URL to be shown at all times. Service Resellers ----------------- We welcome service resellers/ISPs who wish to provide value-added services to their subscribers. Terms and conditions are flexible. DDNS Server Software -------------------- The DDNS server software will be available for download in June. Full-featured (30 days) Linux (Intel) binaries will be provided initially, with Solaris (Sparc) in July and other platforms to follow. Enquiries are welcome. DDNS server is a full-fledged DNS server utilising an SQL database, with a frontend DNS server and a backend IPU (IP Update) server. Optional patch/module for ISC DHCP server will be available to seamlessly integrate DHCP and DNS services, providing transparent DNS services to all DHCP clients. Patch/modules for other servers can also be developed to provide automatic udates for dialup clients, providing pseudo-static IP addresses thru fixed hostnames. ********* Basic accounts are provided free as public services. Optional features are subjected to low maintenance fees. There are no restrictions for non-profit/personal uses and most commercial uses, though we would like to be informed in the latter case. For more information, please feel free to visit: To contact us: Webworks Pte Ltd 103A, Geylang Road, Singapore 389212 Tel: (65) 9677-6445 Fax: (65) 743-0692 Feedback to: