Short:        Gui frontend for AmiTCP Clients like control panel.
Author: chapman)
Uploader:     steve cliffe demon co uk(steven chapman)
Type:         comm/tcp
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


           On this demo version there is NO arexx support,
         Or Keyboard Shortcuts. And several 15 secound delays.

        If you wish too upgrade too the shareware version, you are
            requested to send me the following suggested fee.

                  The shareware fee of £5.00 or $10

       NetFace is completely written in C and does not require any 
         additional Libraries or Fonts. But at the moment it does 
        require WBRun (included) to be in your C: directory and RX 
         and WaitForPort to be copied from your Arexx: directory 
                          into your C: directory.

      NetFace was written as a utility so that I could easily start 
       and stop AmiTCP without having to type commands at the shell.

     I wrote this because i could not find a small easy too config'er 
       and change the configs quickly and easily without having too 
                     install the whole package again.

                This version of NetFace allows the user to

                           - Start/Stop AmiTCP 

                           - Connect/Disconnect

         Providing that you are using scripts for these functions.

                 And Run the following types of programs -

             Mail, News, FTP, WWW, IRC, NewsBrowser, GetNews.

      And with an enclosed script (PrepNews)unbatch any NewsBatches 
           (NewsBatch or NABatch) and then load your newsreader.

        The Check4Mail is a configable command for finger to check 
         if you have any mail waiting to be collected/sent to you 
                        from your internet server.

       These programs can be started by just clicking on a button, 
                         Or by using the hotkeys. 

       Their is also a total of 2 user defineable buttons that you 
                   can add a function's of you choice. 

      A status window, shows you what programs you have used, And a 
             second listview for the output of these programs.