Short:        My AmiTCP4.3 Startnet script (slightly changed) and my .conf files
Uploader:     Suamor student uni-tuebingen de
Type:         comm/tcp
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                AmiTCP4.3 Scripts

I've read much about the problems with dialing up using the new scripts
provided by AmiTCP4.3 (newsgroups c.s.a.networking, c.s.a.applications,
de.c.s.a.comm). I use only aslip.device but it should be no problem
to use ppp as well for it (by simply replacing slip through PPP).


This scripts are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
The entire risk as to the quality and the performance of these scripts
is with you. In no event can I be liable to you for damages of any kind
arising out of the use of these scripts or any part of it's archive, or the
inability to use it.

                Changes to original Start(Stop)net

- start Server (i.e. inetd) by default, switch off by using NOSRV
- you can specify a provider config when starting up, default is set
  to the usual provider.conf.
- UMS starts the User-Startnet script for me i.e. it fetches news &
  mails and after that it logs off.
- starts httpproxy automatically (if UMS not specified)
- Stopnet with option HANG logs off automatically (you need to have
  IPDial installed for using this feature and a hangup script)
  (IPDial is avalaible on Aminet: comm/tcp/IPDial20.lha)

                Configuration (Startnet)

You very probably have to remove the UMS switch from the script and
change the lines concerned by it:


    If {UMS}
        If Exists AmiTCP:db/User-Startnet
          Execute AmiTCP:db/User-Startnet
        run amitcp:bin/httpproxy cache eh0:tmp del 5184000 expire 604800 log eh0:uue/Spool/httpproxy.log get unread

Change to

    If Exists AmiTCP:db/User-Startnet
      Execute AmiTCP:db/User-Startnet

                Provider.conf files

My provider.conf files serves as an example how to automatically dial up,
login and start the slirp program (I'm not yet using a real slip connection)
It has been much adopted to the computer I log into so you will have to
change it. The offline.conf can be used either to run AmiTCP offline or to
reconnect after a RESET has been done. Simply start with:
> startnet offline

Remember that the host name MUST be specified in db/hosts and the domain(s)
& Nameserver(s) MUST be specified in resolv.conf for the offline config.


It seems that most devices have to be configured in db/autointerfaces. At
least I did not succeed with slip0 (which is defined in db/interfaces)
when not specified there. I got the following error:

Sana2 configuration file and contents NOT definedin interface configuration!
Could not open serial device for dialing!
Interface slip0 not found!
Interface configuration failed!
Stopping AmiTCP
Memory NOT flushed!

It worked fine when I changed aslip.device to rhslip.devide in autointerfaces
so at least you should find a possibility to use f.e. rhcslip.
But I had no problems using magplip device (only defined it in interfaces)
(though I have not tested if the link itself works).

                Final Words/Future

Please E-Mail me if you have any suggestions/improvements/problems/comments
with/to my scripts. I will try then to help you or to improve them.

If you ask me very friendly I might (re)write the Dial script so you can
provide several phone numbers for dialing (if one is busy..). I might need
this myself somewhen in the future. The basic idea is to use an array for
the phonenumber and to tell how much numbers we have (-> easy to configure).


E-MAIL (prefered):


  Reinhard Katzmann
  Schellingstraße 41

  D - 72072 Tübingen