Short:        Control Miami and work out your phone bill!
Author:       Thomas Hurst (
Uploader:     Thomas Hurst (tom hurst clara net)
Type:         comm/tcp
Version:      2.30
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


                       ---------Miami Control--------

Miami Control's main use is to allow you to go on and offline with a single
button on a dock, without having to load Miami's GUI.

Miami Control also allows you to control other features of Miami inluding showing
and hiding the GUI, Quiting it for when you're short on memory, and seeing how
long you have been online for.

It also calculates phone costs and logs calls, detecting peak, evening and
weekend rates, customisable for your particular costs with a simple
configuration prog.

This version has been totally re-written in ARexx - no more "badly written scripts".

Version 2 now supports more detailed logs, a logfile anyliser, online checkpointing
(so all online time will be logged, even if you crash while online!), and multiple
config files.

        Miami 3 (3d recommended)
        rexxreqtools.library (Included)
        rexxsupport.library (Included, and on your WB disks :)
        Some sort of menu system (ToolManager etc)