Short: OpenGL BMP texture loader routines Author: (Norman Walter) Uploader: walternn rupert informatik uni-stuttgart de (Norman Walter) Type: dev/src Version: 1.1 Replaces: GL_BMP_Load.lha Requires: C Compiler (e.g. StormC, gcc), StormMesa Architecture: m68k-amigaos By now i have only seen some texture loader routines for quite exotic bitmap formats like sgi-rgb or ptt. So why don't have a BMP loader routine? Requirements: ------------- The executable included in this archive requires 68030 cpu and 68881 fpu or better. A 68060 or PowerPC CPU and a fast 3D-accelerator is highly recommended. Expilicit: You NEED to install StormMesa to run the executable. For compiling you need the linker librarys. Download StormMesa from: To run the executable, you need the user archive. If you want to compile your own sources, you will need the developer archive. Install the packages according to their manuals. Make sure to link the linker librarys to your executable while compiling. GCC example: gcc demosource.c -o demo -lGL Where "demosource.c" is the source code of your OpenGL program and "demo" is the executable. To obtain hardware-acceleration, you will need a GFX-card with 3D-Chip (for example CyberVision 64/3D, CyberVisionPPC, Voodoo, etc.) AND a Warp3D driver for your 3D-hardware. OpenGL programs will run without 3D-hardware anyway, but slower. Features: --------- - Loads uncompressed 24 bit (Windows-)BMP textures - Example with hardware acceleration where available - System friendly as possible - It`s fast, even on my good old A4000/030 with CV64/3D New in this Version: -------------------- - Simple intuition progress bar for texture loading Remember: --------- The S3 Virge can only perform hardware acceleration within 15 Bit screenmodes. Testet on Amiga 4000/30 with CyberVision64/3D, AmigaOS 3.5, CyberGraphX 3, Warp3D 3. Books on C programming and OpenGL: ---------------------------------- Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie: The C Programming Language Andrew Koenig: C Traps and Pitfalls Robert Sedgewick: Algorithms in C Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, Tom David, Dave Shriner, Tom Davis: OpenGL 1.2 Programming Guide Renate Kempf and Chris Frazier: OpenGL Reference Manual Mark Kilgar: The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Programming Interface API Kevin Hawkins, Dave Astle: OpenGL Game Programming World Wide Web: --------------- (my Homepage) (University Stuttgart, Dept. of Computer Science) (GeekGadgets) (Haage & Partner Homepage) (Silicon Graphics - Inventor of OpenGL) (OpenGL Homepage)