Short: Boycott Hotmail, terminate your account today! Author: (Henrik Holst) Uploader: fultra hem2 passagen se (Henrik Holst) Type: docs/misc Architecture: generic ------------- This is a copy of the text file in the archive! -------------- Microsoft did it again! In one of their attempts to dominate the Internet they have bought the free email provider Hotmail. Needless to say, this is not good. I know that alot of you guys out there got hotmail accounts, please support the antims movement and termineta your account, do this by sending in the provided email (at the bottom of this file) to: "" and put: "shutdown_me" in the subject field. The net is full of other free email providers, so it is completely painless to terminate a hotmail account. Many people send in letters to magazines telling how bad they think Windows and other MS applications are. There are numerous antims sites on the WWW, but do they really make any difference? Does Microsoft care about this? The answer is NO! But now we all have a chance to change this for ever. If a large amount of people terminates their hotmail accounts telling them that they have left because of Microsoft, then other companies would think twice before selling themselves to Microsoft. Terminating your hotmail account is powerfull statement against Microsoft domination !!! Questions or suggestions can be sent to: Note that you must fill out all the fields, or else hotmail won't terminate your account !!!! Send the following email to: "" and write: "shutdown_me" in the subject field. ---------------------- This is the body of the email ----------------------- Login (Username): Name: Address: Zip Code: State: Country: Date of birth: Names of Aliases (Nicknames in your account): Names of Folders (in your account): Date of Last Successful Login(approx.): Date That You Opened The Account(approx.): Reason For This Request: I don't want to support Microsoft in their attempt to dominate the Internet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------