Short: DBLPAL:784x550 monitor driver for AGA Author: (Miguel Silva) Uploader: l41905 alfa ist utl pt (Miguel Silva) Type: driver/moni Version: 1.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos $VER: Best_DBLPAL.readme 1.0 (8.3.96) Ok, this is my first archive on Aminet. (so be pacient with possible bugs & sorry for my bad english) DESCRIPTION: I've been using the original DBLPAL:704x550 for some years, but did't imagine my A1200 could do it better. If you have a decent monitor (suporting horizontal=27.5Khz and vertical=48Hz scan rates) you need this driver. Actualy some monitors are said to hold only ranges from 30Khz to 3XKhz of horizontal scan rates but it can still work fine (my VGA monitor :) ). If you are not shure your monitor won't blow: I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMEGES CAUSED BY THIS SOFTWARE. INSTALLATION: Just copy all the files in Best_DBLPAL/ to your Sys: respective directories and delete (or move else where) the VGAOnly and from your Sys:Devs/Monitors/ Before copy, you may want to save old files if you don't want to lose them. (puting them in Sys:Storage/ or any where you want). In the end a reboot is needed to changes take effect. TROUBLESHOTING: I've only tested this software on my A1200-KickStart3.0. If your screen looks too dark that's because you are not runing a utility to put borders blak (included in WBStartup). If you can only get 704x550 you may still have VGAOnly on Sys:Devs/Monitors On my monitor I have to shift the image the maximum left to be centred, on other monitors I don't know the efects, but in worst case a bit of the image will be cuted on the right side. I know it's possible to correct this problem because with MonEd you can correct it by incresing HSSTRT, but save won't make any effect after a reboot... I'll check this problem later if needed. Contact: Miguel Painha e Silva Rua Rui Barbosa, 23 1170 Lisbon, Portugal Email: Amiga have been Auto-Upgrading itself with sotware, now it has 14 bit stereo audio outputs (actualy since its birth), and now a resolution of 784x550 on standard AGA. I've always loved AMIGA, but this is not suficient to make it imortal. A PowerAmiga may be a good choice in future, but when will it be on top again? I'm still wating......... :...... :..... O O :... o :.. _---_ :. / : : Mps