Short: Software for an automatic monitorswitch Author: André "Ratte" Pfeiffer Uploader: polluks sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal) Type: driver/moni Version: 1.1d Requires: hardware, ECS/AGA-chipset & graphicscard Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0 Kurz: Software für automatischen Monitorumschalter SwitchControl is the softwarepart from the "automatic monitorswitch" presented at . For internal mounted devices use the tool from the directory "internal". For external mounted devices use the tool from the directory "external". Both tools are identical, except that "internal" use the CTS-line from the serial port and "external" use the SEL-line from the parallel port to control the monitorswitch. Copy your required version of "SwitchControl" to your system C-directory and add the entry C:SwitchControl to the end of the User-Startup in your system S-directory. Save and reboot. Known problems: The actual MAS-Player software is banging more CIA-registers than required. This can cause problems with the monitorswitch. Workaround: Change the screenmode to amigagfx or gfxcard and try again. Optional extend the monitorswitch with a switch for the settings "automatic - amiga - gfxcard". Contact: /