Short:        Eat The Whistle 2.0 68k/PPC version!
Author:       Gabriele Greco
Uploader:     gabry promix it
Type:         game/patch
Version:      2.0
Replaces:     game/patch/ETW-CD12p.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-powerup

This is version 2.0 of Eat The Whistle, it includes a lot of improvements to
the orignal game, expecially in the new PPC and 68k chunky versions. If you 
have a fast 68k processor or a PPC these version, that use the CPU for all
the blitting, are faster than the classic one. These version also have better
AI, better goalkeepers and a lot of improvements. Look at the provided history 
file for more infos!

ETW-PPC needs ppc.library V46+ and AHI V4+.

With ETW 2.0 (all the versions) you can also use the new ETW pitches, available 
in aminet in the directory game/data.

This is a *FREE* upgrade, all you need to install it is the original
Eat The Whistle CD available from Epic Marketing.

 Gabriele Greco
 Hurricane Studios
 Epic Marketing