Short:        Blitz source for Crazy8's
Author:       Curt Esser
Uploader:     camge ix netcom com
Type:         game/think
Version:      2.92
Replaces:     dev/basic/Crazy8.source
Requires:     Blitz2
Architecture: generic
Released:     May 23, 1999


This is the Blitz source code for my Crazy 8's card game.
Use any parts of this in any way you like.

But DO NOT distribute altered versions of the entire game
without my permission!

(Surely you can come up with something better anyway?)

In here you will find some routines that may be of use
in your own programs, including:

* Print text directly on a bitmap using ANY standard font
* Double-buffered drawing on an OS screen
* Playing sounds & music at the same time
* Pointer animation
* Using custom fonts without copying anything to SYS:Fonts/

To compile the program, you will also need the graphics
and sounds used in the program.  These are not included
here.  You will need a copy of the v2.92 game itself.

Easiest way to do this is to make a copy of the entire
Crazy 8's drawer, then put all the files found in this
drawer into the Crazy 8's drawer.

Then the compiler will be able to find all the files it
needs to make a working version.

I hope you find this useful.

Visit my website for the latest Crazy 8's and lots of Blitz stuff!