Short: Textures for use with Imagine. V1.1 Author: Uploader: IanSmith moose erie net Type: gfx/3d Architecture: generic These textures work with Imagine 3.x on FPU equiped 68020 or above Amigas. AttrMath.itx : Perform simple math operations. ColorCube.itx : Give an object all 16 million colors. ColorSpiral.itx : Create an animated vortex. EdgeFill.itx : Simulate wireframe or latticize. LedCount.itx : Flash the LED for every ray hit and keep count. ShowCount Display number of rays from LedCount.itx. (Executable) RadialColor.itx : Custom radial color flows. Roughness.itx : A replacement roughness, no crawl. SetChild.itx : Similar to Apply, set a groups attrubutes. Ugly.itx : Really mess up your colormaps. Changes from V1.0: AmigaGuide format. Ugly texture added.