Short: OpenGL benchmark for 060 or PPC Uploader: s sch selb netsurf de Type: gfx/3d Requires: StormMESA 3.0, 060 or PPC Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-warpup This is a quick port of OglBench found at Source included in the StormC drawer. Original source, webpage and some results are in the Original drawer. For more information please read the webpage (included;) and/or the source comments. It`s an OpenGL / Mesa Benchmark. Requirements: -Strommesa 3.0 installed -an 060 or PPC -some HD-space and ram -OS 3.x -optional Warp3D installed for 3D Acceleration -optional an 3D accelerator (supported by Warp3D currently only the CV64/3D - CVPPC and BVPPC are comming - sorry couldn`t test 3D acceleration cause I just have the CVPPC;) Install: Just Copy the the isosurf.dat from the original drawer to the executable. Copy the main drawer whereever you want. CLI Options: -linear -mipmap -ext -iter for a benchmark press `b` after starting.... Have Fun - Amiga is Back Sebastian Schlesinger PS: mails and/or gifts are welcome;)