Short: Extracts JPEGs (e.g. from Quicktime movies) Author: (Alexander Richter) Uploader: alexander richter 01019freenet de (Alexander Richter) Type: gfx/conv Architecture: m68k-amigaos ExtractJPEGs does exactly what its name says: it extracts JPEG pictures from a given file. For instance, some Quicktime movies consist of JPEG pictures. USAGE ----- ExtractJPEGs must be launched from CLI. syntax: ExtractJPEGs simple, eh? Example - You want to get all frames out of the "Starship Troopers" trailer: ExtractJPEGs WHAT IT DOES ------------ ExtractJPEGs hunts for JPEG pictures in the given file and writes them into the current directory (0.jpg, 1.jpg, 2.jpg, ...). You might use the programs freplace and fixsuffix to convert the file- names, e.g.: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- freplace .jpg "" ; "0.jpg" --> "0", "1.jpg" --> "1" etc. list #? LFORMAT "rename %N frame.%N" >t:script ; "0" --> "frame.0" sort t:script t:script ; optional execute t:script list frame.(?|??|???) LFORMAT "fixsuffix %N 4" >t:script ; "frame.0" --> "frame.0000" sort t:script t:script ; optional execute t:script ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------ copy ExtractJPEGs c: BUGS ---- -no error handling -sometimes extracts non-JPEG data LIMITATIONS ----------- -does only work on JPEG-Quicktimes, not on Cinepak-compressed ones.