Short: FLI/FLC player for EGS, V1.2 Author: Uploader: Frank Neumann informatik uni-oldenburg de Type: gfx/show Architecture: m68k-amigaos This program is a port of xflick (an X11 base .FLI player) to the Enhanced Graphics System, EGS. It requires a graphic board that is capable of producing an 8 bit, CLUT-based chunky pixel display. This is the case for e.g. the Rainbow III, the Piccolo and the Spectrum. Might work on other boards, but I have not tested that. Source is included ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a tiny enhancement - EGSFlick now listens to the environment variable 'EGSFLICK' and opens a private screen if it is set. See the 'Usage' section of the .doc for more. - Frank