Short: Let FastView produce RANDOM slideshows Author: (Carl Harrison) Uploader: garpa southwales u-net com (Carl Harrison) Type: gfx/show Architecture: m68k-amigaos FastViewRND by Carl Harrison 1997 This program is FREEWARE, distribute it any way you like - but don't charge more than the price of disk. FastView2 has not been included, but the lastest version can be downloaded from Aminet. I now use FastView2 for viewing virtually all of my graphics collection. FastView is FAST and can show complete directories of pictures. Kewl I thought, but there were two things missing;- 1 It wouldn't show the pictures in a directory - randomly 2 No fancy wipes when changing screen. So, armed with a copy of AMOS Professional V2, I proceeded to sort out one of the above problems - showing random pictures from a directory - until all of the pictures have been shown. Providing FastView is in your C: directory, you may issue the following command FASTVIEWRND data:graphics/allpics/ The above command starts up FASTVIEWRND and tells it that the graphics drawer is data:graphics/allpics/. It is very important that you do not forgot to issue the forwardslash "/". FASTVIEWRND then reads the complete directory (upto 500 files) - picks one, and then runs FastView to view the picture. Click left mouse button to continue and it will look like the program has stopped - don't be fooled - this is a bug which I am going to sort out VERY soon. If you go to close the window gadget - FASTVIEWRND starts back up, continuing to show the rest of the pictures. I imagine some people, if not most, will just dive in and not be able to use the program. Well, that's what happens when you don't read docs ;) E-Mail me your appreciation, bug reports, suggestions to