Short: LW object viewer for WarpUP and Warp3d Author: Michal Bartczak LCS ( Uploader: Filip Mirowski LCS (liluh ihh pi com pl) Type: gfx/show, gfx/3d Version: 1.0 Architecture: ppc-warpup INTRODUCTION This is a LightWave object viewer developed by Michal Bartczak sometime in 1998. It supports Gouraud and flat shadding, you can also use pseudo-Phong effect which will cover the object with ppm texture. I also add a small utility called Warp3DSetup. Unfortunately this util is not finished, only one thing which works in it is screenmode requester which you will have to use before starting the object viewer. To use this viewer you will need PPC (WarpUP) and gfx card with 3d chip (Warp3d - Permedia2 or S3Virge). USAGE First of all you will have to start Warp3DSetup and choose the resolution which you will use to view objects. It really doesn`t matter if it is 800x600 or 1024x768 if the object which you are viewing hasn`t more faces than 1000. When you will save your setup open shell and type in it: engine.exe Now you will see your object. You can move and zoom to it using mouse. To change shading use: F1 - Flat shading F2 - Gouraud shading F3 - Phong+Gouraud F4 - Phong+flat You will notice that the speed is really nice in every mode. You can change the phong texture by replacing mirror.ppm with your own texture, just remember it has to be a real ppm (Cybershow makes wrong one) and you have to keep the good proportions! Texture has to be a square with its side of size: 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 pixels! :) To quit the viewer push "Q". If you will expect any problems with first try to set your stack to big size, for example 500000. You can also email the author: This software is freeware. All rights reserved to Logic Creative Software and Michal Bartczak.