Short: International infotainment magazine Author: C. Schroeder, A. Falkenhahn, M. Henke, T. Rapp, and many other Uploader: aakt gmx de (Carsten Schroeder) Type: mags/aaktint Architecture: generic Welcome to the English edition of AMIGA aktuell! AMIGA aktuell International needs the help of the readers - you! If you have an article for us, don't wait, send it to us for publication! It doesn't matter if it's actual news, exhibition reports, product test, interviews, etc. By the way, your texts need not to be exclusively for AMIGA aktuell International. If you published them we just need your permission to put it into AMIGA aktuell International, if you didn't give up your rights at the articles. Of course, we are also interested in critics, suggestions, so we want your opinion to AMIGA aktuell International. Summons to all programmers and innovative AMIGA firms: Are you interested in to advertise in one of the best-known German (now we try to become the best-known English) AMIGA online magazine for your products? Then donate one or more prizes for the AMIGA aktuell International competition. Every product will be introduced with the desired text. As a dealer you have the possibility to get more customers to know your firm. The AMIGA aktuell International newsroom is also interested in test issues of AMIGA products of all kind. AMIGA aktuell International can be contacted by mail Carsten Schroeder Helmoltstrasse 10 37081 Goettingen Germany or eMail WWW: and Summary of this edition: ------------------------ Preface Preface 2 Internal o Newsroom & help o Summons o Distribution o Legal information o Value of the Euro AMIGA dealers list AMIGA aktuell international forum o Reaction upon the Letter of Harald Knoop (by Steffen Haeuser) o Reaction upon the Conclusive Words of the last Edition (by Mark Buonfrate) o Comment to Public Criticisms concerning the AmigaNG (by Gerald Sautner) o Comment concerning the Linux Kernel Decision of Amiga (by Andreas Weiner) o Letter to the Editor about Future of Amiga (by Stefano Pucino) o Letter to the Editor about Situation of Amiga in Hungary (by Vadász Károly) o Looking for Informations about 68060 Turboboards for A1200 o Looking for Informations about Single-Zorro-Extension by Eyetech o CD-ROM-Drive and RAM Modules for Sale Test reports o Software test: Picture editing software Photogenics v4.1 (by Uwe Pannecke) AMIGA aktuell international games section o Expressions of thanks o Summons o Preface o Games news from all over the world o Review: Superfrog o Review: Wasted Dreams o Review: Moonbases o Review: Doktor Version 1.1 (by Dirk Wenk) o Preview: The Last Seal o Mac corner introduction: Mac games with the Amiga o Mac corner Summons o Mac corner review: Civilization II o Mac corner review: Exile III: Ruined World o Mac corner review: Pirates GOLD! o Interview with Jens Neubauer (Programmer of SeaSide) o Mac corner o From where can I get games? o Summons o Form o Compatibility list o Reviews o Charts o Release list o Bookmarks o New PD-games in Aminet o Emulator news o At the end AMIGA o JIM COLLAS RESIGNED AS PRESIDENT AND CEO OF AMIGA o Amiga Advisory Council Officially Launched o AMIGA updates job offers o AMIGA is looking for employees for Java-/ securities technologies o AMIGA registers patent for new multiprocessing technology o News in brief Amiga PowerPC & AmigaNG competitors o Phase 5 uses G4 instead of G3 for future PPC boards o Metabox informs about specifications of the PowerPC-G3 boards for A1200 o Statement regarding the planned full text translator warpTrans released o FusionPPC not yet finally save o New listed PowerPC software o Overview about PowerPC software The Heckler various news o ComputerCity plans A4000 based computer o ZorroIV-daughter board available o PFS3 released o Amiga-MOD musician publishes own Audio-CD o Prices for Wildfire7PPC and Wildfire for Movieshop reduced o News from the Amiga Arena o Movieplayer MooVID available on CD-ROM from Epic Marketing o Haage & Partner news o News in brief o Rumours Software updates At the end -- The graphic files (docs/mags/AaktInt0999GFX.lha) should be within the directory "AMIGAaktuell/International/edition0999/img".