Short: Free preview of Ami Tech-Gazette issue 1 Author: (Eric Schwartz) Uploader: amitechgazette gmail com (Eric Schwartz) Type: mags/misc Version: 1.0 (issue 1) Architecture: generic Kurz: Vorschau: Ami Tech-Gazette-Newsletters 1 URL: Born from the ashes of the AmiTech Amiga user group newsletter, the Ami Tech-Gazette is a digital newsletter covering Amiga topics, MorphOS/alternative OS topics, Atari and retro computer and gaming topics, retro-themed toy topics, and other general bullcrap, presented to you with all the semi-professionalism and bias of your local computer user group newsletter, edited by Eric W. Schwartz. (English language) If you find the Gazette interesting, you can follow the Patreon and help support the creation of further issues, bigger and better, for as little as $1.50 a month here - This first issue and more recent examples are also available for free download here -