Short: Mentat 0.7 english2english Longman dictionary Author: (Adrian - Sauron - Siemieniak) Uploader: Rodolfo Ignazi email: rodign inwind it or rodign tiscali it Type: misc/edu Version: 0.7 Requires: 020+, MUI 3.8, 25 MB on HD Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: Aminet Status: FreeWare Full_Uploader_Address: Rodolfo Ignazi Via Vittorio Emanuele 10 62015 Monte San Giusto (MC) Italy Tel. (+39)0733/53594 URL: Mentat has become Freeware thanks to its author, Adrian - Sauron - Siemieniak, who gently gave me the full archive comprising the sources and authorized me to distribute his work as freeware on Aminet and my site. It's a big and useful work and, I hope the Amiga community will be grateful to him. Alas, He is not an Amiga user anymore so we have lost a good programmer. Good luck Adrian. Programmers that are willing and feel able to improve the program can contact me for the C sources of Mantat. The distribution consists in 5 archives, One is Mentat itself the other four are Mmentat Data dvided into four archives to easy the download: Mentat.LHA MentatData_a-d.LHA MentatData_e-l.LHA MentatData_m-r.LHA MentatData_s-z.LHA. To install Just unarchive the Mentat.LHA archive into your HD, a Mentat directory will automatically be created, then unarchive the four data archives into the Mentat directory. It takes a bit less than 25 MB of your HD space. You only have to remember that Mentat will search for data files in "Mentat:" directory, so you have to create assign for it in startup-sequence/user-startup by adding a line similar to this: C:Assign Mentat: <path where mentat dir is> Rodolfo Ignazi. =============================== Follows the ORIGINAL README: Overview Mentat is an english to english dictionary for Amiga computers (with a bit less then 60000 words), based on Longman Natural English Dictionary. The main purpose of this program is to help people translate long texts with informal english (like books, stories etc.). For some of You it can be quite hard to understand why english2english and not english2polish or english2german. First of all it's usefull for everyone - in france, germany, japan and so on. It's also the only way to understand a real meaning of some words. As far as I know there is no other publications like this for Amiga computers. About this release Changes 0.7 : - few fixes (thanks to all who have send raports) - library updates (and few changes in code do fit to them) - WWW page and email has changed Changes 0.6 : - ARexx interface plus some scripts for CygnusED, AWeb, IBrowse - Printing - Spanish and Czech localizations - few bug fixes (this time not so many) - some "visual" improvements Limitations: - since it's kind of a demo release there are only two parts (from 26) of full dictionary. This means you have only words starting with letter "a" and "b". Requirements Except this file (Mentat.lha) you will need also Mentat_data.lha which is unchanged since 0.5.2 relase (both on Aminet or Mentat WWW page). Required MUI classes are inside main (this) archive. - MUI 3.8 - Amiga with 020+ - about 3MB on HD (full version requires 26MB on hard disk) Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer.