Short:        Converts card. numbers into 15 languages
Author: (Ingo Paulsen)
Uploader:     sa227pa uni-duisburg de (Ingo Paulsen)
Type:         misc/edu
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

A small program which can be used to learn foreign numbers.


NCC from to step language1 language2 tabular

from     : value between 0 and 1000000
to       : value between 0 and 1000000
step     : step wide
language1: number between 0 and 14
language2: number between 0 and 14
tabular  : distance between the two language columns
           (possible values are >=20 and <=60

Language code:

 0 = Danish
 1 = English
 2 = Estonian
 3 = French
 4 = German
 5 = Hungarian
 6 = Icelandic
 7 = Irish
 8 = Italian
 9 = Malay
10 = Netherlands
11 = Norwegian
12 = Portuguese
13 = Spanish
14 = Swedish
Example: NCC 1 100 1 4 13 24

Displays the numbers in german and spanish language
from one to hundred.           

Example: NCC 0 1000 10 4 4 20

Displays every tenth german number between zero
and one thousand.

(c)1998 by Ingo Paulsen