Short:        GUI for MacJoyPad1.2
Author: (Vit Kubr)
Uploader:     vitkubr volny cz (Vit Kubr)
Type:         misc/emu
Version:      1.0
Requires:     MacJoy1.3, OS3.1+ or 3.0+ with lowlevel.library
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Some questions for you:

1. Do you play games on the MacIntosh under emulation?
2. Do you hate play via keyboard?
3. Do you have the CD32 joypad?

If your answer is three times yes, then you maybe know program MacJoyPad or

MacJoy  and  MacJoyPad  is  mainly  a  joystick  support  for the Macintosh
emulators  Shape  Shifter  and Emplant.  Since there are a lot of Mac games
that  work  well with these emulators, you may want to play them using your
usual Amiga joystick or CD32 joypad.

This program is super but his configuration is very ugly :(

But don't cry. MacJoyPadGUI is here :)


· Simple GUI for easy usage a configure all keys of CD32 joypad.

· Save and load configuration

· Info about configuration

· Works even with classic joystic (with limitation)