Short: ShapeShifter EVDs for PiccoSD64 & Co. Author: (Niels Knoop) Uploader: niels rbg informatik th-darmstadt de (Niels Knoop) Type: misc/emu Architecture: m68k-amigaos This archive contains two external video drivers for ShapeShifter running on 24-bit CyberGraphX screens with pixelformat RGBA32. They were written for and tested on the Piccolo-SD64 only, but should work on other boards as well provided that they use the same pixelformat. RGBAevd enables the use of 24-bit displays directly without refresh. It trades in some bandwidth as it shifts the Mac display to an odd address, but eliminates the processor load and artefacts caused by a refresh. RGBAevdR offers a refreshed 24-bit display which doesn't overwrite other screens when flipping them to front. This is actually exactly what ShapeShifter's internal CyberGraphX driver is supposed to do, but, as of version 3.5, does no more since the CyberGraphX driver PiccoSD64 1.24 changed the pixelformat to RGBA32. In fact RGBAevdR is a workaround for this bug and uses an internal refresh routine of ShapeShifter, including MMU support. RGBAevd & RGBAevdR are FREEWARE. Use them at your own risk. Have fun! -- | Ciao! /// Niels Knoop /// e-mail: | --