Short:        Nintendo Gameboy emulator for PPC (WarpOS)
Author:, (Porter)
Uploader:     MagicSN Birdland es bawue de
Type:         misc/emu
Architecture: ppc-warpup

This is a PPC Version for WarpUP of the Virtual Gameboy Emulator (I know
a ppc.library version exists already for a longer time, but now it is
also available for WarpUP :) And it is faaaast...). GFX Board recommended,
though, as it is quite slow on AGA (And i mean it !!!)

I added now Joystick/Joypad Support. Joypad code is activated with parameter
joy (like: "vgb joy"). You can't use keyboard and joypad at the same time.
Joypad might slow down a bit (Contextswitches), but only in theory, really
probably not noticable.

Sadly the problem with AGA was not the Contextswitches. It was the usage
of WritePixelLine8 in the AGA code (VGB is coded in a way that makes it
HARD to fit it with any usual c2p). So i just left the AGA Code as it is.

Virtual GameBoy 0.7 is a Nintendo GameBoy emulator for Unix/X11.
This is an Amiga port of it...
Currently it Requires 68020+ (or at least the speed of it:)
and OS 3.0. Keys and options have changed; RTFM!

Also check out Aminet:dev/cross/GBDK.lha which is a full development
kit for GameBoy, including an ANSI C compiler and link libraries which
f.ex. supports printf() and scanf().