Short: By orpheus (9-Bit Edit). HaPpY HoUsE! Works only in DeliTracker. Author: orpheus/ReHypnosis Studios (Samuel L Gilbert) Uploader: orpheus (orpheus bkroom apana org au) Type: mods/8voic Architecture: generic Star Burst ---------- This song is for Jo. She kept complaining that she couldn't dance to any of my stuff, so I wrote her this. YOU CAN DANCE TO THIS JO! (I have spent the last 10 minutes jumping around my room to prove it :) ). Anyway, its about 900k, and about 7 minutes long. It is very high quality sound. Some people wont be able to tell the difference between this and CD. 9-Bit 8-channels is actually clearer than normal 4-channel mods. Be sure to read the 9-Bit.readme on how to play it (It's not hard). I like it! Its jumpy .. Maybe Jo was right and I should write more like this? :) What do you think? If you listen to my music or have any comments you'd like to make on it, send me some mail :). This is yet another new address. email: Or ya can reach me as "Sam Gilbert" on The Attic BBS (+61-8-384-4762). Samples ------- Thanks as always to KFMF ( for their wonderful samples. I am unable to replace my deleted samples coz I'm too lazy, so their unknowing help has been invaluable :). Thanks also to the ZiF demo from Assembly '95, whose analog samples I shamelessly ripped for this song (sorry guys - don't sue :) ). Inspiration ----------- Jo :). Screaming Multiple Orgasm ------------------------- Bailey's Irish Cream - 30 ml Cointreau - 30 ml Cream - 30 ml Galliano - 15 ml Ice to cover bottom of glass In a Balloon (285 ml) glass, add Bailey's, Galliano, Cointreau and Cream. Garnish with Cherries and a Strawberry. Greets ------ Greetings to all my friends in #Amiga and #TheEnd. Hello to Cat, Spark, iLLuSiOn, Ivan, BaD CiTy, and Elvis (who I'm sure is not really dead - he's singing with Kurt in the alien base in New Mexico). Copyright --------- Starburst - by orpheus (Samuel L Gilbert). Copyright © 1995. All Rights Reserved. This music is released under the concept of FREEWARE. I.e., it can be copied and distributed in unmodified form for no profit, but all rights and copyright remain the sole property of The Author. Selling this music for profit is prohibited by law and hereby subject to criminal prosecution. These conditions may change at any time with no prior warning. The Author reserves the right to withdraw this music from public use and distribution for his own purposes. Wherever the law allows, this copyright will act as an amendment to all other copyright notices and warnings on all previous releases by The Author. The Author assumes no ownership of any of the samples used in this music. -- orpheus (Samuel L Gilbert).