Short: Protracker module by Boray 95/11/18____ Author: (Anders Persson) Uploader: di3andpe ida his se (Anders Persson) Type: mods/boray Architecture: generic Module Name: "alexandra" By Boray 95/11/18____ track 4 Of pattern 0 And pattern 11 Comes from an unreleased version of "Twecer".. By The way, There is an unreleased ver. Of "Where to go"... With no drums(!).. This because i first intended to play the drums myself, And record the whole thing on tape... And so i did... And then after some time i removed one track and put the drums there.. Btw, There is even more ver'S of where2Go, The oldest has more "Stereo"- Sound, But i removed it and altered the drums a bit when i signed it (By Boray) And! There is a whole ver of where2Go in the mod slam-6!! That was the fanclub info for this time.. ByE!!