Short:        Mark Salud's new age jazz music module
Uploader:     mark salud tommie tmisnet com
Type:         mods/mark
Requires:     mod player that supports MED
Architecture: generic
Filename:     NoBro.lha

This is an OCTAMED music module created by me,
Mark M Salud, of San Diego, California.  I
have been creating music mods since 1989 when
I first used MED, then OCTAMED PRO v5.  So
far I've created over 600 music mods, including
renditions of my favorite songs heard on the

"No Broken Hearts" is the name of this new age
jazz music mod created in June 1997.

To play this music module, you will need a mod
player that supports MED or OCTAMED modfiles,
such as Delitracker, HippoPlayer or Teijo
Kinnunen's freely distributable OCTAMEDPlayer.