Short:        Genocide's Metal Mayhem Vol.2 Part 5
Author: (Ian Ashby)
Uploader:     phil ware5d demon co uk (Phil Wilkinson)
Type:         mods/med
Architecture: generic

              Genocide presents....    Metal Mayhem Volume II

                           << Band Address >>
      ( If you want a reply from the Band, please use this address! )

                           49 Brampton Road
                               N.15 3SX
                          South East England

Mod listing...Crossing-Over, End-Of-Time, Epitaph, Mitnacht, The-Black-Rose
and Warriors.

Write  for  any reason, more mods are being written all the time and if you
have any guitar riffs that you can't do anything with or you have some cool
guitar,  keyboard  (church  organs and stuff) or percussion samples then we
would love to hear from you.  All letters will get replies!

           Write for more info, to swap Mods and Amiga chit-chat
