Short:        Daniel Falk mods from the Boing archive
Author:       Daniel Falk
Uploader:     gordon1 server uwindsor edu (Chris Gordon)
Type:         mods/st
Architecture: generic

Taken from the boing archive, from .../music/st-nt dir.


    As I had a collection of smaller modules floating around on my disks,
    I decided to release them in an own archive. Please find:

    Autumn Lords	(autumnl.mod) 
			Slow guitar tune... VERY old... but I somehow
			like thet style.

    Doom!		(doom.mod)
			Ordinary intro tune. Some very mystic effects
			though. Only plays well on a 100 % ProTracker
			player (as all "chip" tunes...).		

    Hockylir		(hockylir.mod)
			Another intro tune. Short but I like it.
			VERY good samples by Nuke/Anarchy (and some
			by me... :) ).

    Jonas the Barbarian (jonas.mod)
			I once wrote it for a PD game. The game looked
			much as Son of Blagger on the C-64 and we 
			wanted something like the music from those old
			games and it turned out rather well (I think).

    Shattered Harmonies (shattere.mod)
			The intro tune to my old music disk during the
			years in Tetragon. We screwed up pretty well with
			this tune as we used an old replay routine.
			The instrument which had been "finetuned" refused
			to play at all. What a bummer!
    SuperSmall		(supersma.mod)
			It's not! I can't stand it..... 

    Leinad is my handle and currently I'm working in a PC group called TYO
    with music and graphics design. 
    Please give me credits if you choose to use this module in a production. 
       Contact me:             (c) 1993 Daniel Falk