Short:        Sydney Harbour Bridge object for Lightwave
Uploader:     ivans zeta com au
Type:         pix/3dobj
Architecture: generic

This is a fairly authentic looking model of the Sydney Harbour
Bridge in SYDNEY AUSTRALIA. Modelled in 3 days in LW3.5.
This is version 1.0 of this object and there will a more
detailed version released later  - when I get the time
to do it.

It is not architecturally correct, but Sydneysiders that
have seen it know instantly what it is.

Also part of a forthcoming object set which includes a
Sydney Opera House, Centrepoint Tower, Uhlaru (Ayres Rock),
and parts of the City of Sydney.

Consider it a preview of "KoorieWare" or "OzObs"

You'll need an accelerated machine and lotza RAM to
render this as it contains over 13,000 polygons.
Booleans for dayz;-)

If you render it on a Ratptor2, Email me and let me
know how long a frame took to render with it.

It takes 18 minutes per frame on my 3000/25 10Mb!

Warp 3040/40 donations appreciated:-)

Happy rendering farms 2 U.
