Short: CyberGraphics Bootpiclibrary with Playstation warning intro. Author: (Sammy Dirksz) Uploader: getupkid feelings com (Sammy Dirksz) Type: pix/boot Architecture: generic This a cgxbootpic.library. Just place it in your LIBS: directory. Only works when you run Cybergraphics ofcoz =) I myself am really into Playstation and thought "What the hell!" I'll make a PSX kinda boot up for my Ami as well. And I always wanted to contribute something to Aminet, well here it is. Small but at least something. Hope you like it. A jpg is included so you'll see what the bootpic looks like. Perhaps in the future I'll make some others related to PSX but then I'll release the a whole collection probably of ripped off PSX loading gfx. Credit goes to Jacob Ellis for his MakeCGXBootPic program. If you got any favorite loading page of PSX or whatever let me know. I'll rip it for you. I got about 400 games myself so just let me know. Enjoy! Sam