Short: Peace-trace by MadBart/Appendix^Teklords!Released at GRV3. Author: Uploader: madbart optimus wroc pl Type: pix/trace Architecture: generic _______ _______ __.__ _\___ /_ _\___ /_ _( | )_ . | . / . | . presents on | | _____|- -| | | l_ | | | l_ the l____| .: /___| l____| .: / ©dtA!____/-( appendix )-l____/ 01-Sep-98 mADbART/aPPENDiX^tEKLORDS present > PEACE < released at GRAViTY'98 party - trace compo [ham8 and 24bit versions inside archive] [·)------------------------------------[aP×] _ _____________________ _ ____) (____ : : ____ ____ _______ _______ ___: _______ _______ ___: .\\ Y //_\\___ //_\\____ //_\\ _|____.\\___ //_\\___ //_\\ |__ | | | | / | \_ | | | / | __/ | | | / | | | | -| |____. | Y l_ | l_ l_ ' l_ | l_ | l_ ` l_ l_____| /___| /____ /____ /___| /___| /____ / <-----l_____/----l____/----l____/----!____/----l____/----l____/©dtA!____/ : : : : : m A D b A R T : :____ ____: _ )___________________( _ Howdy ! Here it is! "Peace" by "/me" -> MadBart of Appendix^Tls. In big hurry made in about 5 days and nights for new Appendix's demo and i think for ray-trace compo on the Gravity3. :) I think there will be released coz i'll not be there... :( (holidays, holidays, holidays...) Anyway... this one is the very special for me coz it's dedicated to the very special person for me... (yep! it's you my dear Justyna, i think you like it) And it was made when i was long ago from normal life... It was somethin' like astral projection.... It was fantastic dream.. . . *ALL* made by me (Appendix graphics studios - the dream factory!) > using LightWave v5, Amiga 1240T/603e/240MHz/64MB. Ok, that's all folkz. .. signed: mADbART/aPPENDiX^tEKLORDS! [] ... ... ........: : .....: : : :.... ...: : _____:_______ ..: __ __ _______ _:_____ _:_ ___ | ___ |___:___| || |______| ___ |_| __ |__| _|_ __ | || | __ |___| __ __ |___| ||_____ _| |_ | |_| |___| ____ |____| ______| _____ | ..|__ | |__|__| |___| |_____| |_____| |___| |_| : |_____| : ......... :...az0!/l124 :............ : : : : m a d b a r t : :........: of dA aPPENDiX ! and tEKLORDS ! a.p.p.e.n.d.i.x whq > domination nightyeight > povvered by thesect! .for any reasons or money support leave me the mess with some cash. [] or? try to fakk with the best - it's simply thesect! phone:+48-91-4879493...[night hours] [appendix.teklords.picsaintloup.anadune.floppy.dajormas.venusart.link124] [dinxproject.mawi.ozonefree.doggystyle] ......... :::: :: :: :::: : ::: : :::: :: :: :::: : : [node0: +48-91-4879493] [node1: telnet] [node2: telnet] ___ ___ _______ :____ : _______ ____  ___ _| _|_ __ | |___ _| __ | _| ___|__:_| __ |_| ___|_ _| _|_ __ | _| |_| __ |_| | | |_______ | |_| _| |_ |__ ____|| __ ______| |_ |_| __ _________ ____ | |_____| |____| |____| :|______| |____| |_______| |_____| : : az0!/l124 [powered by amiga1240T/603e/240mhz/quantum 1.3gb/cdrom] [nonstop supporters: jacobs - prefix.appendix - ziutek] [master: madbart.appendix+teklords] : : !still third place in the world! : : ...:.... :... : · : : : : · : :..: .......: : : !still third place in the world! : : [appendix/whq] [anadune/whq] [teklords/phq] [floppy/phq] [link124/phq] [dinx project/phq] [jormas/phq] [mawi/phq] [doggystyle/phq] [venus art/phq] [psl/phq] [ozone free/phq] ___ ___ _______ :____ : _______ ____  ___ _| _|_ __ | |___ _| __ | _| ___|__:_| __ |_| ___|_ _| _|_ __ | _| |_| __ |_| | | |_______ | |_| _| |_ |__ ____|| __ ______| |_ |_| __ _________ ____ | |_____| |____| |____| :|______| |____| |_______| |_____| : : az0!/l124 [node0: +48-91-4879493] [node1: telnet] [node2: telnet] : : :: :::: :::: :: : ::: : :: :::: :::: :: :.......: