Short: NAFCYI Spring 1992 (BMP Fonts) Author: Yomaru Kasuga ( Uploader: Yomaru Kasuga (starchoicemusic yahoo com) Type: text/bfont Version: 1.00 Beta Architecture: generic Distribution: Aminet New Amiga Font Collection of Yesteryear's Inspirational is the compilation series created by Yomaru Kasuga. These fonts are made into Amiga Bitmap fonts, converted from PostScript. Depending on mandatory from font rendering purposes. It contains fonts are the original names and all character sets encoded in Adobe ISO Latin 1. This archive has its index image inside for more examples. It is inspired by the year spring 1992. This archive has been generated for the rearrangements of these Font Typefaces for the following: PS Font Name = Equivalent BiklyBold = Bikly Bold Blur = FF Blur Medium BodegaSerif = Bodega Serif Bronzo CommerceFat = Commerce Fat CommerceLean = Commerce Lean Confidential = FF Confidential DavysCrappyWrit = Davy's Crappy Writ DupuyBalloon EraserDustCaps = Eraser Dust Flightcase = FF Flightcase GarageGothic = FB Garage Gothic Harting Kids MarkerFelt = Marker Felt Thin MarkerFeltWide = Marker Felt Wide MonotypeSorts = MT Sorts / Monotype Sorts Rechtman Savoye = Savoye LET SchulschriftB = FF Schulschrift B Scriba = Scriba LET SpontanBlk = FF Spontan Black StrongmanBd = Strongman Bold Syndor = ITC Syndor SyndorBd = ITC Syndor Bold SyndorBdIt = ITC Syndor Bold Italic SyndorIt = ITC Syndor Italic Wingdings