Short: 4x6 monospace font Uploader: piggsvin ppvt info (Steinar Knutsen) Type: text/bfont Architecture: generic This is the 4 pixels wide, 6 pixels high "misc-fixed" monospace font often distributed along X window system and Wayland. It is highly legible despite its small size. These are the comments and copyright notice from the original BDF file: COMMENT Contributed by Janne V. Kujala COMMENT $Id: 4x6.bdf,v 1.5 2002-08-26 18:05:49+01 mgk25 Rel $ COMMENT Send bug reports to Markus Kuhn COPYRIGHT "Public domain font. Share and enjoy." Install by either copying the contents of the miscfixed directory into your FONTS assignment, or add the miscfixed directory to the assignment by running "Assign FONTS: miscfixed ADD" in the shell with the current directory where the archive has been unpacked. The font name which will be added, is "Fixed". I converted the font by first deleting all code pages except the first from the ISO-10646 BDF font and saving it as ISO-8859-1. Then I converted that using bdf2amiga, A68k and Blink according to the instructions in the bdf2amiga documentation.