Short:        Lout sources (UNIX, Amiga)
Uploader:     dylan cs washington edu
Type:         text/dtp
Architecture: generic

Using gcc, the only change required to these sources for use on the
Amiga is to the format of the sort command in z33.c.  I changed 
the line: (line 211)
    sprintf(buff, "sort -o %s %s", newname, oldname);

to the lines:
#ifndef AMIGA
    sprintf(buff, "sort -o %s %s", newname, oldname);
#else AMIGA
    sprintf(buff, "sort TO %s FROM %s", newname, oldname);
#endif AMIGA

Note:  I have _not_ made these changes to the enclosed archive, which
is identical to Jeff Kingston's release.

For the release, since I only have 7 Meg of memory, I turned off
optimization for z06.c, z08.c, and z20.c.

I would prefer to have an SAS/C compiled version, but the UNIX-isms,
and size of the code has made that tricky.  If this changes, I'll
post an update.
