Short: AnimatedIcon replacement Author: (Andy Broad) Uploader: amigansoftware gmail com (James Jacobs) Type: util/app Version: 0.4 Requires: OS3.5+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.5.0 As part of the AmigaOS 3.5 Boing Bag 1 release there was a program in the Utilities drawer called AnimatedIcon. This program took advantage of the new render hooks and Workbench control functions to place an animated AppIcon on the Workbench whilst playing a given sound file. That was all it did however, the icon could not be used to launch programs or interact with applications as you might expect but was merely cosmetic. I decided that what I would like to see was an animated icon that could do the above but could also launch scripts and programs, much as any other icon, simply by double clicking on it. The result is AnimIcon: a small application that displays strip anims as icons and can launch a script defined by a tooltype in the animation's icon. Now your workbench can have cool animations without loss of functionality! The relevant URL for this software is: