Short: Polish translation of (v3.66) Author: (Artur Chlebek) Uploader: achlebek polbox com (Artur Chlebek) Type: util/boot Architecture: generic Archiwum to zawiera polskie tîumaczenie dokumentacji FBlita (v3.66). Najnowsze wersje tego tîumaczenia (i samego FBlita) bëdâ pojawiaê sië najpierw na: , zanim znajdâ sië na Aminecie. -- This archive contains Polish traslation of FBlit (v3.66) documentation (so if you know what is written here, or don't know what is written above, then you don't need it ;). Note that most recent versions of this translation (and FBlit itself) will be available from: first, before they will appear on Aminet.