Short:        Powerful and fast ASCII printing tool
Author: (Marco Miljak)
Uploader:     empire_mm t-online de (Marco Miljak)
Type:         util/cli
Version:      1.60
Requires:     OS 2.04
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Print was created for printing ASCII texts like source codes,
doc files or headers. it was designed to the needs of a pro-
grammer, who works a lot with big ASCII files (sources). after
5 jears of development it is now a very powerful and easy to
use tool which offers the user a great number of various functions,
flags and options to control and manipulate the printing process.

ReqTools.library recommended, but not included.

German version available from author free of cost. send a mail


Written by Marco Miljak
© Copyright 1993-1998 by StarGATE Software

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    2371     693 70.7% 09-Jan-98 15:54:28  Print1.60/clionly.h
   24600   12667 48.5% 09-Jan-98 12:33:10  Print1.60/Print
   49783   13213 73.4% 13-Jan-98 19:29:04  Print1.60/Print.c
    1615    1241 23.1% 09-Jan-98 15:53:48  Print1.60/
    7536    3150 58.2% 13-Jan-98 19:30:24  Print1.60/Print.doc
     696     538 22.7% 09-Jan-98 15:53:08  Print1.60/
    2034     668 67.1% 09-Jan-98 15:53:10  Print1.60/
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
   88635   32170 63.7% 13-Jan-98 19:31:50   7 files