Short:        Great filemanager from GP Software
Author:       Jonathan Potter (original version), Jacek Rzeuski (under GPL license)
Uploader:     Jacek Rzeuski (jrzeuski neptun gdansk tpsa pl)
Type:         util/dopus
Version:      4.14
Replaces:     DOpus413JRsrc.lha
Requires:     KS 3.0+, 68020+
Architecture: generic

These sources are released under GPL license. Read README.TXT to get details.
I didn't marked changes which I did simply because there were lots of them.
Sorry for that. Binaries compiled from these sources you'll find in
biz/dopus/DOpus414JRbin.lha archive on Aminet.

You can find original GPL'ed sources in biz/dopus directory of Aminet.


You'll need AsyncIO and PowerPacker includes to compile these sources.
Grab them from Aminet. These sources are prepared for GCC compiler (sources
in C) and PhxAss (sources in ASM). Both are freeware and can be found on
Aminet. Remember to change the path to PhxAss assembler in makefiles.