Short: New LhaDir.dopus5, works with lzxdir.dopus5 Author: E. Vermuelen, Modifications by L. Hale (Stone-D) Type: util/dopus Architecture: m68k-amigaos LONG : LhADir.StoneD 1.0 (18.11.95) Original is Copyright © 1995 by Edmund Vermeulen This version by Stone-D (Laga Hale) Modified to co-exist with lzx version of same file by Stone-D. Placed in the public domain. No restrictions on distribution or usage. Usage differences with original : The original required you to change the lister buttons to link to the actual arexx script. Not so with this one. Change, for example, the COPY button from AREXX DOpus5:Rexx/LhADir.dopus5 {Qp} back to the COMMAND COPY. Do the same with MOVE, and DELETE. Please read the LhaDir.StoneD file itself for further installation instructions. EMail Stone-D at the following address : ARexx script for Directory Opus 5 to show the contents of an LhA archive in an Opus lister and operate on the files and directories inside the archive as if it is a normal directory, whilst allowing simultaneous access to similiar scripts...such as the lzxdir.dopus5 one. Also included : Lzxdir.dopus5 and lzxdir-handler, modified by an unknown... See actual rexx files for details... Sorry, i got the files incomplete, so mebe i'm missing stuff from the original archive. Still works though. :D Note : Lzxdir.dopus5 has a bug in it, which prevents you from adding to an lzx archive. I'm half asleep, and can't be arsed sifting through it all to find it. I'll do it later... :D Update : Lzxdir And lhadir can now be made to either open it's own lister or use the SOURCE one. Read the headers of the respective scripts to find out how to enable / disable this feature.