Short: Gateway.library incl. stringfunctions for vbcc Author: Michaela Prüß ( Uploader: Michaela Prüß (michaela flagranti net) Type: util/libs Version: V 16.0 (30.11.1998) Replaces: older gateway.library and/or gatetool.library Architecture: m68k-amigaos Kurz: gateway5.library u.a. Zusatzstringfunktionen für vbcc Www: German: Die zur Library gehörende Guide ist vollständig in deutsch. Eine englische Kurzanleitung gibt es auch, aber die enthält nur das allerwichtigste in sehr knapper Form. Diese Übersicht hier sollte jeder ver- stehen, daher keine zusätzliche Übersetzung. Note: The documentation is in german, but i include a little readme in english. Enough, i hope, to understand all things. The german doc includes a lot more of informations. Because my english isn't good enough to translate it all, i create a short english one. Better small as nothing... Supported CPU-Type's: 68000, 68010, 68020/68881, 68030/68882 68040/FPU and 68060/FPU are included The PPC versions (PowerUP/WarpOS) are not 100% finished yet. This is the first FREE release of the gateway.library. The library includes 28 functions, most of them for work with strings. The library is part of the gateway-5-bbs-software. The complete bbs-system, since 10 years running as commercial software on amiga, now go to aminet. The full working software is now free to use. But i'm not ready with the archives today. This library is build for gateway5, but, a second project that will outcoming in the next day's, use ist too. Today, i'm ready with the installfiles for the library and so, the library is the first part to upload. The library contains many functions from and for the bbs- software. To manipulate strings and format them for output or clear input (often from files). The complete BBS-system comes from a MANX Aztec-C version. To support higher cpu-types, like 68060 and ppc, the compiler is changed to vbcc. And a lot of functions not longer exists. The most functions i missed are stringfunctions and/or mem- functions. I've recreated all missed functions and put the most at this library. Only functions that uses DOS are not included (like unlink). For use without a shared library i created a linklibrary based on unix stringfunction-archiv from an old fred fish release. The linklib comes soon, not today, because testing is not endet. I think the most compiler on the amiga support this functions but vbcc is a "young" compiler. The Library contains this: GateRequest - requester (to test library) trim, rtrim, trim_include, - clear spaces an more from mail_trim strings (fileinputs). set, lset, lsetmin, string - format and init strings instr, midstr, newstr - search and replace wordwrp, kill_ansi - bbs-functions fn_splitt, fn_build - split and cat filenames time_to_zahl, date_to_zahl - time and date from string date_to_day to decimal addval - add decimal to string ltofa - format ULONG: '#.###.###.###' newer, StrCaseCmp - special compare upstr, lowstr - german versions strdup, index - stringfunctions that missed swapmem, memncmp - memfunctions that missed Copystatement: The aminet have permission to publish this archive and take it to the aminet-cd-series. FredFish and the AmigaLibSeries have permission's, too. All other: if non-commercial you can give this archiv UNCHANGED to anybody. Not allowed is commercial use of any kind!