Short: Ttf.library v0.8.5 truetype font engine Author: (Richard Griffith) Uploader: ragriffi sprynet com (Richard Griffith) Type: util/libs Version: 0.8.5 Replaces: util/libs/ttflib68040.lha Requires: OS3.0+ 68040+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: freely distributable ttf.library is a truetype compatible font engine for Amiga OS. It functions in a manner compatible with the outline font engine standard established by Commodore with the bullet.library engine for compugraphic format fonts. Any Amiga applications which can use normal system fonts can now use truetype format fonts. Most key features of the bullet library standard have been implemented, but a few have not (such as algorithmic emboldening) Most programs will function properly, however programs expecting to use advanced or undocumented features of the bullet.library may not work as expected with the ttf.library. Separate archives are available with optimized versions for 68020, '030, '040, '060, as well as generic 68000 series CPU's. This archive is suitable for 68040 or greater processors. Starting with v0.8.0, the ttf.library distribution will be PGP signed so that you may verify that it came from me. ttflib.lha will contain a second archive and a signature file. To find PGP resources for the Amiga, and to obtain my public key, see the pgp link on Send any comments, suggestions, bug reports to: Richard Griffith