Short: Send input events from shell Author: tcheko(at) (Antoine Dubourg) Uploader: tcheko no-log org (Antoine Dubourg) Type: util/misc Version: 1.0 Replaces: AntiFlow-1.0.lha Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 1.4 AntiFlow is a small CLI tool that inserts events in the input device chain. It allows the insertion of any kind of events as documented in the RKM Libraries, Filter Objects and Input Description Strings. If some AREXX commands are missing in a tool, AntiFlow can help acting on the user interface by sending events to the window. o - Installation & Requirements No installer required. Just copy AntiFlow to C: It shall works from MorphOS 1.4.x. (untested). It needs 2.5KB disk space and very small amount of memory. No external components required. o - AntiFlow Usage AntiFlow STRING/F/A NB: The string is reversed before insertion: "foobar" will be inserted as "raboof". o - Supported Keywords and Qualifiers Keywords: "space", "backspace", "tab", "enter", "return", "esc", "del", "up", "down", "right", "left", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7", "f8", "f9", "f10", "f11", "f12", "help" Qualifiers: "lshift", "rshift", "capslock", "control", "lalt", "ralt" , "lcommand", "rcommand", "numericpad", "repeat" NB: Mouse qualifiers hasn't been tested. o - Examples *** Sending "make" in a shell: AntiFlow "nekam" Notice the string reversal. *** Sending a single key for activating a button: AntiFlow "a" Upstroke keyword releases the key event. (IECODE_UP_PREFIX). This is mandatory for buttons or other MUI objects : they react on release. *** Sending a menu command with shortcut: AntiFlow "" The target window must be active. *** Sending a single hotkey: AntiFlow "" AntiFlow "" *** Navigating through user interface (assuming cycle chain is set): AntiFlow "" or going reverse path AntiFlow "" *** Sending a sequence of events: AntiFlow "" This will send "" o - AREXX example /* Send an event from an arexx script */ address command 'AntiFlow ""' o - Credits & Acknowledgements Thanks to antibike for the idea. o - History 1.0 - Initial release Some examples corrected