Short: Portable OS-Based Benchmark w/ src Author: (Pietro Altomani) Uploader: altomanipietro pragmanet it (Pietro Altomani) Type: util/moni Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-powerup POSBB Portable OS Based Benchmark 15-May-98 (Amiga version 0.27, generic version 0.13) POSBB is a new benchmark program wich allow you to test and compare different computers, Operating Systems,CPUs and even C compilers. POSBB means: Portable (you can compile it on every computer and there will be platform specific version for a lot of systems) OS-Based (in its tests it uses the same Operating System's functions that a real program would use to do the same thing) Benchmark I know there already are many benchmarks but this maybe is the only platform independent one which tests not only the raw horsepower of the processor/memory but does high level tests that involves also the Operating System of the host machine. At this time there are two versions: Amiga (Amiga specific version) generic (100 % platform independent version) At the moment it does these tests: Memory copying speed (with chunks of 3 different sizes) Int math speed FP math speed Trigonometry math speed Pixel,lines,ellipse drawing speed (only Amiga version,m68k & PPC) Text output to stdout (console) (very soon: raytracing test using POV-Ray) I WANT YOU: You can join the POSBB Team and contribute to the developing or beta-testing sending me an e-mail. POSBB WWW Page MY PERSONAL WWW PAGE (will be updated soon) Please send me the file POSBB generates on your machine (better if in highest precision mode), so I can add many sample results to the distribution and also make POSBB able to automatically compare the machine it is running on with others. Remeber this is a BETA release. Stay tuned for updates ! This Archive contains: - sources - docs - Amiga version's executables optimized for all 680x0s (also for 060 from this version!) and for PPC (at the moment only for P5's enviroment,not WarpOS :( ) - generic version's executables for m68k-amigaos,ppc-amigaos,i386-win32,sun-sparc-sunos-5.5.1,m68k-linux,v 0.12 binary for i386-linux, m68k NetBSD,sun-sparc-sunos-5.5.1. - some sample result files Have fun ! Pietro Altomani