Short: A small utility for Pal Monitors/Tv when using CyberGraphX systems. Author: (Paolo D'Urso) Uploader: mod3m idealia net (Paolo D'Urso) Type: util/wb Version: 1.0 Replaces: util/wb/CGXfix.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos CGXfix is a small utility for all of you that use 2 monitors on your Amiga, one for Pal screens and one for your gfx board. Running the latest CGX4, I noticed that the Pal screen showed a grey pattern (until I loaded some Pal progs, ofcourse), that was horrible to see and most important it destroyed my eyes. You can put this file everywhere in your startup-sequence, before of after the LoadWB, or with an icon in the WBStartup drawer. It should work ;) Asm source included!