Short: Preferences for CPU (up to 68060) and RAMSEY. V3.8 Author: (Richard Koerber) Uploader: shred chessy aworld de (Richard Koerber) Type: util/wb Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: NoCD Description: This is a preference editor for steering the processor caches, RAMSEY, VBR and Audio Filter. Gain the maximum speed out of your AMIGA! SystemPrefs fully supports 68060 and DraCo! :^) Features: - Font adaptive GUI - Supports Instruction- and Data-Caches, Copyback, Write Allocate - Supports 68060's Branch Cache, Superscalar mode, Store Buffer and Half Cache Size Mode - Supports RAMSEY FastMode (60ns RAM access --> SPEED! :-) - Supports audio filter - Supports VBR to Fast RAM - Reads current hardware settings while startup - Shows your system setup - MacroSystem's DraCo workstation compatible :^) - Comes with a nice preferences icon... :-) - Stores its window position New Features: - Supports expname.library: shows more detailed information about your system! - Small bugfix Requires: Kick 2.04+, (opt. locale), 68010+ should be present Languages: English, Deutsch, Svenska Distributability: Freeware, Binary only. See also: util/libs/Identify.lha IMPORTANT NOTE: I explicitly FORBID the inclusion of this archive on any AmiNet-CD unless the publishers provide me with a free copy of the CDROM on which my work appears.