Short:        Database for loran numbers. V?.?
Author:       Allen Maroney
Version:      ?.?
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Source:       Fish collection

A database for storing, searching and printing loran numbers.  Store
Lats/Lons, TDs, Waypoints, Depths, State, County, Comments, and Quick
Comments.  Search by any catagory, and numbers can be searched with a
margin of error.  Printouts as text only or as a graphic.  Select sites on
the plot screen by lassoing them.  Version 2.0 includes a lon/lat scale on
the plot screen, better zooming, and accurate land areas via the World
Database II (included) and/or user drawn.  You can now show and edit land
on your plots by drawing it in or by making a list of lat/lon points.  A
small sample database is included.  Version 2.0.