Short:        Comprehensive Personal Information Manager
Uploader:     len platt canrem com
Type:         biz/dbase
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


                    Information Manager Professional             2.17


                               Len Platt

                         Itchycoo Productions


                 Copyright (c) 1992,93,94,95 by Len Platt

                          All rights reserved



                       Released   - May 15, 1995

Information Manager Professional is a personal information manager
appropriate for the Professional but is also a great program for use
the casual home user.

Information Manager Professional is THE personal information manager
for the professional who needs all their Time Management concerns at
their fingertips. This is more than a set of databases, it's an
efficient organizer of your day to day agendas both professional and

Information Manager Professional contains the following organizing and
scheduling modules:

  Addresses -- all the fields needed for names, addresses, phone numbers,
    birthdays, anniversaries, interests, hobbies and for notes. There is 
    also the capability of keep a separate database of Letters you have
    sent to the persons in each individual entry. Birthdays and 
    Anniversaries can access the Calender module for inclusion in your  
    daily events listing. There is extensive flagging and tagging for 
    both entry and label printing.

  Billing -- A complete billing system for the individual or small
    business. Billing will interact with the Clients module.

  Area Codes -- Half-screen listing of WORLD Area Codes and their matching,
    major cities. Fully searchable database by Area Code, City or Country.
    Also has the ability to add and save future Area Code changes. This
    is available from any module or even from Workbench when IMPro is in
    iconified state.

  Calendar -- shows schedule from day to day, month to month, and year to
    year. It will show your daily ToDo's Appointments, Birthdays, 
    Anniversaries and Holidays (U.S. and Canada). There is also access
    to a separate Daily Journal (Diary) for each day. The dates can be
    flagged for individual or multiple printouts to either printer or
    a file.

  Contacts -- Keeps track of all business Contacts with all necessary
    information and history. Also branches out to Project and/or Agenda
    databases for the individual Contacts. Next Meeting or Call can be
    set by way of the Calender interacting with Contacts. The Project
    Manager will help keep track of time charges and related information.

  Clients -- Keeps track of all Clients with all necessary information
    and history. Also branches out to Project and/or Agenda
    databases for the individual Clients. Next Meeting or Call can be
    set by way of the Calender interacting with Clients.

  Computer -- Keep track of all your computer's hardware and software.
    Great for getting those serial numbers or tech support phone numbers.

  Inventory -- Keeps track of Home and Business Inventories, Ideal for
    insurance purposes.

  NotePad -- ASCII Text Editor has search, replace, cut, paste, document
    insertion and more, plus an editable Macro setup for up to 10
    255-character macros and/or 20 full text file macros. You can set
    auto wordwrap on or off. Global word wrapping of a current document
    is possible at the click of a button.
    Importable into any word processor.

  Reservations -- Actually contains 3 separate database for keeping
    track of all your Accomodation, Transportation and Dining places.
    For either your home town or for out of town. Specialties, type,
    phone numbers, addreses, and much more.

  To Dos -- Keeps track of Personal and Business To Do's. Interacts with
    the Calendar for setting the deadline date and adding the ToDo to
    daily events in the Calender.

  Wallet -- Keeps track of all Credit Cards, Licenses, etc.

  Config -- Configure for: type of phone line in place, which Serial device,
    datafiles, location, autosave choice, iconize on startup, data and time
    format. Preset your name and address for auto inclusion in the Notepad.

  All areas have: An online Alarm Clock function (with up to 10 alrms or
    reminders by date and time), online help window, extensive search
    and mark capabilities, palette control function (screen and text). 
    Print to printer or file. Uniform display of date and time, and much 
    more. Iconize from any module to the Workbench. Online Calculator 
    available at the click of a button. All modules, except NotePad and 
    Calender have five dialing fields useable if you have a modem, but also 
    if you don't. Multiple selection of entries and/or fields from any
    database. All Notes areas in the modules can be expanded to work with
    the NotePad and it's many features.

Information Manager Professional was developed by Itchycoo Productions.
It is compatible with all existing Amigas.


Notes about this Demo.

This Demo of Information Manager Professional is a limited version of the
Registered Release. The following are functions that have been disabled
and/or limited.

Printouts contain the line "Information Manager Professional DEMO"
All databases allow only 10 entries.
Notepad's loading functions will only operate 10 times per session.
Dialing functions operate only 10 times per session.
Area Codes can be viewed but Add and Save feature are disabled.
No documentation BUT extensive online HELP windows.

Although the above functions are disabled, you can still get a very good
idea of just how helpful Information Manager Professional can be.

One hint for anyone who "Iconizes" the program to the Workbench..

Click on the icon with the left mouse button and then click your
right mousse button to have the Menu appear on your Workbench.


Information Manager Professional is currently available for
$30.00 (U.S.).

To order Information Manager Professional send a Money Order (Only) in
US funds to;

Len Platt
1755 Rathburn Rd. E.
Unit 4
Mississauga, Ontario
L4W 2M8

Make the money order out to Len Platt.

PLEASE NOTE: All current owners of IMPro that were purchased from
DevWare, Inc. can receive the latest update. To do so, send your
original disk plus $15 to the above address.

The author can be reached at the following addresses;

 Address: Len Platt
          1755 Rathburn Rd. East
          Unit 4
          Mississauga, Ontario
          Canada   L4W 2M8

   Phone: 905-624-4008


    FIDO: 1:229/15


You can also get hold of me in the Amiga RT of GEnie and in the
Amiga Conference (5) at Canada Remote Systems Online.