Short:        Morphing/Warping program Source OS3.0+
Uploader:     mark topic demon co uk
Type:         gfx/edit
Version:      4.8
Replaces:     gfx/edit/MPMorph45s.lha
Architecture: generic

$VER: MPMorph48s.readme 4.8 (23.3.97)

Source code to MPMorph4x.lha


MPRender now uses COLOURS parameter.
Added full .html docs.
Spelling mistakes and version fixed in MPImage.library.
Reordered MPMorph catalog for easier localisation.
Updated bugs.
Added TODO list.
Noted WWW support page.

Version 4.7

Fixed enforcer hit in MPRender.
Updated algorithms to indicate memory usage.
Corrected version in Install script.
Updated install script for cjpeg/djpeg to match standard usage.

Fix to version 4.5 - MPGui.library can now be opened more than once.

Fix to version 4.4 - should now work on OS3.0!

A more recent version may exist at: