Short: Visual Eng. - Run Hook v0.01 Author: (Marko Seppänen) Uploader: marko seppanen wwnet fi (Marko Seppänen) Type: gfx/edit Architecture: m68k-amigaos Visual Engineering script - RunHook v0.01 SHORT DESCRIPTION This script exports an image from Image Engineer to ImageFx, asks for Hook, applies effect and imports picture from ImageFx back to Image Engineer. REQUIREMENTS Image Engineer v3.41 (Wision release 2) Image FX INSTALLATION Archive where this file came from should be extracted to a directory where you installed Image Engineer. This script must be in IE:Arexx/ USAGE Make sure ImageFX is allready loaded. Activate window of an image and run the script. Choose an ImageFX Hook, adjust settings and press ok. ARGUMENTS None. Use from Image Engineer. HISTORY 0.01 History started DISTRIBUTION The archive, where this file came from, can be distributed using any kind of media or distribution channel (CD, Email, WWW, BBS, FTP...), but contents of original archive can not be modified. You may NOT spread modified versions of the script and call it as Visual Engineering -script. If you are going to spread a script made by you, which calls one of Visual Engineering -scripts, you must include either to documentfile of your script or header of the script itself, Visual Engineering's website address and my name and email address. Like this: /* This script uses Visual Engineering -script(s): AddSpace.rexx, PrimaryColors.rexx By Marko Seppänen <> Visual Engineering website: */ WORLD WIDE WEB Image Engineer SViewIV Visual Engineering AMINET Image Engineer SViewIV Visual Engineering